Our Services

The safeguarding webinars will be: an interactive mix of short talks by the Marcia, quizzes, and discussions about case studies based on composite of real -life safeguarding issues.

CPD Accredited courses are accredited

CPD Hours: 6hrs

Safeguarding Adults Webinar and areas covered


To provide an overview of safeguarding adults at risk of abuse and your role in keeping people safe


Participants will understand

• Definition of vulnerable people

• The Law and safeguarding adults

• Principles of safeguarding adults

• The categories of abuse and contemporary safeguarding issues

• The vulnerability factors.

• Safeguarding Assessments

• Who the key agencies are for keeping adults safe?

• How to identify the common signs of abuse

• Action to take if someone is concerned about a vulnerable person.

• Information sharing with other agencies.

• Record keeping

• ‘Think the Unthinkable’ allegations against staff.

• Learning from safeguarding adult reviews

Safeguarding Children Webinar and areas covered


To provide a clear  overview of safeguarding  children and young people  with a clear reason why it is everyone’s responsibility.

At the end of the training session  participants will be aware of what makes children and young people vulnerable to harm, how to assess risks, the protective factors, the importance of early intervention/help and  their role in acting so that harm to children and young people is prevented or minimised.  


Participants will understand

•             The definitions of a child, safeguarding and child protection

•             The key agencies responsible for keeping children safe

•             What the law says about safeguarding children

•             The categories of abuse

•             The vulnerability factors (including impact of Covid 19)

•             How to identify the common  signs of  abuse

•             Assessing risk of harm

•             Action to take if someone is concerned about a child or young person

•             Why information sharing  with other agencies  keeps children safe

•             Record keeping

•             Safe people and Safe places

•             Their role in keeping children and young people and that of the multi-agency safeguarding partnership.


How to register: All sessions are delivered by Zoom from 09.15-4pm and login in details are provided on registration and payment of the course fee by emailing msmikle@sky.com

Certificate of attendance: will be provided for all participants who complete the course.

Webinar Dates and Costs

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Payments are taken via PayPal.